Why GORM/Hibernate focus?
There is quite a few blogs which basically say: Grails is very buggy and then provide few or no details. There are also many blogs saying Grails is great and then provide equal amount of fluff to support their claim. All of this becomes very subjective.
(Section Edited for clarity, Oct 30, 2014)
It is not that hard to demonstrate that this is a very buggy environment. It has been founded on Groovy, and, in my experience, Groovy is and always was is a very buggy language. Here is one curious example (tested with Groovy 2.3.6, other versions I checked behave the same way):
1 as Long == 1 as Integer //true (note, false in Java)
1 as Integer == 1 as Long //true (note, false in Java)
[(1 as Integer)].contains((1 as Long)) //false (inconsistent with equals!)
(1 as Long) in [(1 as Integer)] //false
That is some scary stuff, right? I think it is scary. This one is not very fixable, but most Groovy bugs will eventually get fixed. Hibernate bugs will be with us forever. This series was about bugs other people call functionality and sophisticated design.
Designing a good web framework is not easy. I think the key is: the framework must be intuitive. It should do what developers expect to happen. That is one more reason for my focusing on GORM/Hibernate. It is hard to claim that these 2 are intuitive, but a similar claim becomes much more subjective in other parts of Grails.
Here is one example of a non-intuitive behavior: How does controller forwarding work. The intuitive behavior would be that forwarded method executes in a separate thread. It does not, it executes as part of the calling method. Instead of wasting time on disagreeing that this is a bad design, do this experiment: Create a controller with methods ‘a’ and ‘b’ and have 'a' forward to 'b'. Add a filter which simply prints action name in ‘before’ and ‘afterView’. Here is what you will get with Grails 2.4.3:
before a, before b, afterView b, afterView b
(both afterView print the same action name!). Would it not be nicer if we got:
before a, afterView a, before b, afterView b
Confusing design + mutating state == bugs. But how can I argue that this is not just an innocent overlook on the part of Grails/Spring framework?
One of the most irritating aspects of Grails is that everything is so intermittent, and that is by design. The fail-fast philosophy is totally foreign to this framework. For example, if calling object.save() no longer always saves the object (yes you are reading it right, see GRAILS-11797, GRAILS-11536) then would you not want object.save() to fail if the object is not going to be ever saved? Again, focusing on GROM/Hibernate simplified my job of demonstrating examples with a very intermittent behavior.
The uncanny ability to exacute bad code in Grails goes way beyond what I was able to demonstrate. This is the very scary: How did that ever work before? thing. I suspect something is wrong with Grails/Groovy compilation and a bad code sometimes magically works until some totally not relevant change exposes the problem. I cannot justify this claim. The only think I have is anecdotal evidence.
I have very strong opinions about what are the main causes of OOP bugs. That does not mean you would have agreed with me. Without good examples, this blog would have been labeled as a one more guy that thinks that 'FP is the new silver bullet'. Focusing on GORM allowed me to pinpoint the problems in a way that is hard to dispute. (And yet, I still got the label.)
All of the GORM problems listed in this series can be attributed in some way to Hibernate session/1st level cache. You can argue that having cache is beneficial and that some problems are unavoidable with any cache implementation.
Ideally, caching should behave as if it was not there: application using a cache should work exactly the same way if the cache was removed. However, synchronization of ORM cache and DB state is a very hard problem and achieving ‘opaque’ implementation may be hard or even impossible.
Dear GORM/Hibernate: If you can’t implement cache which behaves ‘like it is not there’ then don’t design your API like the cache ‘is not there’. Make the cache very explicit and optional (Identity Map?). Invalidate cache immediately, or at least, provide a way for the application to learn as soon as you know that cached data is stale. Design invalidating (you like to call it session.clear()) your cache in a way that does not make half of objects used by the application useless. Remember, you are just a cache, the data is still there! The data is what is important, not you. If you want to call yourself a cache, stop being so bossy! :)
More criticism of Hibernate
I must point out that I am not the only Hibernate hater. Here are some examples:
In my blog, I have just scratched the surface. Some examples of 'bug generating' design that could use more discussion include: defaulted and recommend 'flush:false' in save() (maybe a moot point now), or what happens when Hibernate session closes suddenly and unexpectedly (like, when transactional code fails).
I need to stop somewhere and this post seems a good place and time to stop.
I decided that complaining about Grails not working right is much less powerful than pointing out why it does not work right. I think analyzing and criticizing bad programs is a great way to advance programming skills. With each installment I tried to sneak-in some concept that explained why bad is bad: properties, shared state/side-effects, fail-fast, unit testability, even a bit of combinators. These are all common sense things that explain design flaws.
One thing I could not fit into my posts was types. I decided that this will be too foreign concept in the context of Java and Groovy. Types are very powerful and I regret not finding a good place for them in this series.
Is FP the ‘new’ silver bullet?
I was asked this question and it makes sense that I try to answer it.
FP is not new, FP predates OOP, Haskell is older than Java, combinatory logic is older than Turing machines, lambda calculus is about the same age. The silver bullet is and probably always was the ability to logically reason on the code.
In this series, I tried to emphasize the importance of logic. Programs should be logically simple and ‘mappable’ to logic. Programming and Logic are very related on a theoretical level (google: Curry-Howard). This 3 are called the trinity of CS: Type Theory, Category Theory and Proof Theory (google: Curry-Howard-Lambek).
Programs I write using Groovy and Grails may look straightforward and shorter than Java and Spring but from the point of view of logic these are still just spaghetti threads of programming instructions. Add to it a total disregard for side-effects and this exercise becomes equivalent to building a house of cards on a foundation that is shaking.
Quiz Question: Recalling Logic 101, here is a logical ‘formula’:
(a^b)=>c ⇔ a=>(b=>c)
Do you know/can you figure out what that corresponds to in programming? Answer at the end of this post.
I used to love Grails
I started this blog site with a series about 'Imperative curlies'. My idea at that time was that I can count the number of curly braces ({}) in my code and use that number as a measure of how good my code is. The fewer 'curlies', the better the code. The idea was to break away from coding and thinking using imperative sequences of instructions (for loops, if statements all use 'curlies'). I remember it worked very well for me. If you look at these old posts, you will see that there was a time when I really liked Grails.
Is all OOP bad?
I think that is a complex question. Good OOP is about things like decoupling, separation of concerns, eliminating shared state, meaningful polymorphism, etc. These things may achieve some of the same goals FP is fighting for. The concept of a shared session state (Hibernate session) is not very OO. Hibernate StatelessSession interface which does not extend Session is not a great example of OO polymorphism. Ability to decouple is mostly gone due to Hibernate non-localized side-effects. Hibernate is simply not a good OOP.
What any OOP will always lack is this: a clear and simple correspondence to logic. This is what makes FP unique.
Parting thought:
Answer to the Quiz Question: It is currying. To see it, compare these 2 lines:
(a^b)=>c ⇔ a=>(b=>c)
(a,b)->c ⇔ a->(b->c)
(2 argument function) (function returning a function)
First line is the logical formula. I have changed arrow-like symbols '=>' to look slightly different '->'. I have replaced '^' with ',' and ended up in FP! This process is a mini-Category Theory in action. Cool, is it not?
There is no helping it, Groovy and Grails are OOP not FP. It is still important to be able to think outside of that box. Otherwise we will start convincing ourselves of things like ‘static definitions are always bad’, ‘unit testing is not about finding bugs’, ‘using refresh() resolves stale object problems in Hibernate session’, or some other nonsense.
Thinking in C++, Thinking in Java: it is worth trying to stop it, even if you program in these languages.
Grails is and will be a very popular and buggy framework. We can only blame ourselves for that. Writing this series was a big effort for me. My biggest hope is that it made some of my readers stop for a moment with a 'hmm'.
The End (for now).
(I ended up republishing this blog due to some weird formatting issues - if I created a chaos in your RRS/Atom feed - sorry!)